Diane McKallip
Upcoming Events
Yes, it is true! I am singing!
I've been getting my feet wet at various open mikes, and here are two more. If you promise to clap and smile, you can come! The show order is random, we don't know the order until a day or two before.
Where: The Back Room, 1984 Bonita, Berkeley, CA. Tickets and more info will be at: www.backroommusic.com soon!
When: Monday, November 21 and Monday December 19, at 7:30pm, doors open at 7:00pm.
What: These open mikes feature many singers and musicians, from pro to first timers. Most only perform one song or piece. The venue is byob, they have glasses and bottle openers.
More info as we get closer to show dates!
Recent Events
10th Anniversary Party
October 16, 2016
Our 10th anniversary party was a huge success!! What an amazing group of wonderful people. Clients and students, colleagues and staff from my days at the Courthouse Athletic Club; even friends of clients curious about Pilates and personal training….all made it over to the studio in the break between storms!

A wonderful afternoon!
We socialized, ate and drank, and enjoyed fantastic cake from our local bakery “Taste of Denmark”. Tours of the studio were offered as well.
Thank you to all who attended and to those who sent their good wishes!

A new use for the Cadillac!

A new client; in a few years?

Good conversation!
Mary David Walters
On a sad note, my dear friend, co-worker and massage therapist extraordinaire, Mary David Walters, passed away in late September, after a long illness. Mary David and I worked together at Courthouse Athletic club for over 20 years and she helped me open Integrated Pilates and Wellness in 2006. She was a mentor and a big supporter of the studio. She will be missed.